Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Merry Mabon & Blessed Autumn Equinox!!!

Merry Mabon & Blessed Autumn Equinox!!!

Today, September 23rd 2015, is the day of Autumn Equinox also called Mabon. It is the Pagan Thanksgiving and a time to reflect on what you have harvested mentally, physically, and spiritually in this past year . It is the perfect time to sit in your sacred space and think about what manifested and and grew, but also consider what seeds that did not come into fruition and gently release them. It is the season of transformation and change. The time when the Goddess settles into Her Crone aspect of wisdom and introspect. You can feel the freshness in the wind and it is time for new beginnings and changes. I always get all giddy and happy all September and Mabon is one of my favorite holidays! I feel a transformation coming on so I will spend a lot of time in meditation this weekend to see where my Spirit Guides want to take me next.

You can choose to celebrate this holiday with a quiet solitary ritual or maybe by having a feast with your family and fellow sisters and brothers. There are many scrumptious Autumn Equinox recipes that you can find on Pinterest (follow me cosmicmongoddess) and my favorite find from last year was this Mabon Stew below. It was Divine!!! This year I did not have time to prepare fully for this Mabon as my mother is visiting from Sweden and we have been busy hanging out and also going on vacation to Disney World Orlando. So this year I will do a little solitary ritual in my sacred space, writing a list of everything that I am grateful for and read it aloud to the Universe, my main deities Lady Freya and the All-Father Odin, my ancestors, and my Spirit Guides. At the upcoming Full Moon / Blood Moon / Total Lunar Eclipse I will read another list of everything I wish to manifest during the coming year. Tonight is for giving Thanks only.

Here below are some facts about Mabon that you can incorporate in your own ritual if you wish. You can make your ritual as simple or as detailed as you want, nothing is right or wrong.

Mabon / Autumn Equinox
Date: Around September 22nd, when the Sun is at 0 degree Libra
Primary focus: Second Harvest, giving thanks
Age of holiday: 3000 B.C. or older
Popular mythos: Death of the Harvest Lord
Planetary ruler: Venus
Colors: Gold, Orange, Red, Copper
Candles: White, Brown, Red
Herbs & Plants for decoration and magick workings: Acorns, colorful leaves, poppies, seed pods, walnut leaves & husks, yarrow
Stones: Amber, Cat's Eye, Clear Quartz, Peridot, Yellow Topaz
Other tools and decoration: Corn dollies, fall fruits (apples, berries, persimmons, pumpkins), gourds, grains (sheafs of early wheat, barley, oats, ears of corn), small loaves of bread, vegetables

Blessed Be,
Miss Ivy :)

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