The Wheel of the Year
The Pagan Wheel of the Year consist of eight holidays - four Solar Festivals and four Fire Festivals. There is so much information about the eight holidays especially with all the different pantheons such as Norse, Celtic, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman. I am Scandinavian, born and raised in Sweden and my Grandmother was from Norway, so I will tell you more of the basic Pagan way of celebrating with a mix of the Scandinavian way and history. I will try to keep the information basic and straight forward to keep it simple for you. If you wish to delve deeper into each holiday, there are so many sources and books to read. I will cover each holiday as the time approaches, starting with Mabon since it is coming up on September 23rd 2015. The Wheel of the Year starts with Samhain as it is the Witches' and Pagan's New Year.
Samhain (pronounces Sow-in) - October 31st
Yule / Winter Solstice - on or around December 21st
Imbolc / Candlemas - on or around February 2nd
Ostara / Spring Equinox - on or around March 21st
Beltane - on or around May 1st
Litha / Midsummer / Summer Solstice - on or around June 21st
Lammas / Lughnasadh (pronounced Loo-nassa) - on or around August 1st
Mabon / Autumn Equinox - on or around September 21st
Miss Ivy :)
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